a quiet place to study and prepare myself for college and my chosen profession upon discharge. I knew that if I threw myself into this, other things would be for- gotten.
All went well until carnival time came around. This is a festival two week period prior to Lent in which every- body dresses in costume and pulls the so called plug out for the fourteen days. I, in the meantime had become quite friendly with the people who rented me the room and a few weeks before festival time, they asked me if I would like to join them in the upcoming fun. I had no desire to let them know about this thing I was trying to suppress, but when they insisted I go, I agreed. Now as I recall, I was instrumental in suggesting I dress as a woman. Agreed. The three of us would go as ladies of high fashion.
Preparing for the event was an experience I'll never forget. There were the wigs to get, dress, shoes, make- up and lessons in walking, sitting, smoking, use of hands and a million other things that the average woman takes for granted and does from force of habit. I found myself enjoying each and every minute of it and they seemed to enjoy the practice sessions as much as I did. Each night we would dress and spend an hour or two just acting like three ladies, talking, drinking tea and after a few weeks, it became harder and harder to take off those clothes and return to those of a male. I don't think my landlord en- joyed this as much as I did, but his wife insisted that he dress and when he did, he went all the way. I was in seventh heaven.
The days passed much too slowly for me, but I managed to survive until the time came for ut to get into our costume s, and we received last minute instruc- tions in feminine deplorment.
The following two weeks I dressed as a woman every night and on weekends, all day and in the evenings. Most of the time I went out by myself and a few times with my landlady. She mentioned a couple of times that it was odd that I should want to indulge in crossdressing so often. I brushed her question off but I knew that once the carnival was over, that would be the end of TVism.